Bagi anda yang akan bepergian ke manado barangkali informasi ini bisa memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana tempat wisata menarik di mando. Hal yang harus bidik salah satunya adalah taman nasional bunaken, mengapa di sana ? Ya karena taman nasional bunaken termasuk tempat wisata menarik di manado yang wajib anda kunjungi. Jika anda anda menginginkan daerah dengan nuansa udara sejuk maka bisa masuk wilayah tomohon. Di sana terdapat kawah gunung lokon, kemudian juga ada pusat kerajinan rumah bongkar pasang yang ada di desa woloan, rumah bongkar pasar yang terbuat dari kayu ini sangat terkenal dan konsumennya juga dari mancanegara.
For those of you who will be traveling to Manado perhaps this information can give you an idea of how interesting places in manado. It should aim at one of which is a national park of Bunaken, why there? Yes because the Bunaken national park include interesting places in Manado that you must visit. If you want your area with the feel of the cool air can enter the territory of Tomohon. There are mountains Lokon crater, then there is also the center of the craft of assembling the house in the village Woloan, unloading the market are made of this wood are very famous and also from foreign customers.
For those of you who will be traveling to Manado perhaps this information can give you an idea of how interesting places in manado. It should aim at one of which is a national park of Bunaken, why there? Yes because the Bunaken national park include interesting places in Manado that you must visit. If you want your area with the feel of the cool air can enter the territory of Tomohon. There are mountains Lokon crater, then there is also the center of the craft of assembling the house in the village Woloan, unloading the market are made of this wood are very famous and also from foreign customers.
Jangan lupa jika anda ingin menginap di hotel yang ada di manado maka hotelscombined menyajikan informasi hotel apa saja yang ada di manado dan harganya. Tidak jauh dari wilayah tomohon anda bisa masuk ke wilayah tondano di sana terdapat danau tondano yang sangat indah, banyak tempat pemandian air panas. Masih banyak tempat wisata menarik di manado yang tidak bisa disebutkan semua mulai dari air terjun di pineleng, makam pahlawan kyai mojo dan imam bonjol, kuliner manado seperti : tinutuan; nasi kuning; woku balanga;nasi jaha;dabu-dabu;ayam rica-rica, namun gambaran tadi sudah memberikan informasi seputar tempat wisata menarik yang ada di mando.
Do not forget if you want to stay at a hotel that is in manado then presents information Hotelscombined any hotel in Manado and price. Not far from Tomohon area you can get into the area there are Tondano Tondano a very beautiful lake, lots of hot water baths. There are many interesting places in Manado which can not begin to mention all of falls in Pineleng, tomb hero mojo clerics and priests knurl, culinary Manado as: tinutuan; rice yellow; woku balanga; nasi jaha; Dabu-Dabu; chicken rica-rica , but the picture was already provide information about interesting sights on the manado.
Do not forget if you want to stay at a hotel that is in manado then presents information Hotelscombined any hotel in Manado and price. Not far from Tomohon area you can get into the area there are Tondano Tondano a very beautiful lake, lots of hot water baths. There are many interesting places in Manado which can not begin to mention all of falls in Pineleng, tomb hero mojo clerics and priests knurl, culinary Manado as: tinutuan; rice yellow; woku balanga; nasi jaha; Dabu-Dabu; chicken rica-rica , but the picture was already provide information about interesting sights on the manado.